

Sauna Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts Everyone Should Follow

sauna etiquette

Stepping into a sauna can be a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, but it's essential to know the proper sauna etiquette to ensure everyone enjoys their time.

Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned sauna-goer, understanding the dos and don'ts can make a big difference in your experience and that of others. From knowing what to wear to respecting personal space, sauna etiquette plays a crucial role in creating a pleasant environment for all.

In this guide, you'll learn the fundamental rules of sauna behavior, including how to prepare for your session and what to do once inside. We'll cover the unspoken rules that seasoned sauna-goers follow and discuss how etiquette might vary in different settings.

You'll also find out about common mistakes to avoid, such as bringing your phone into the sauna, and discover tips to make your sauna experience more enjoyable and respectful for everyone involved.

Essential Sauna Etiquette Rules

Dress Code and Hygiene

When it comes to sauna etiquette, proper attire and cleanliness are crucial. Before entering the sauna, take a quick shower to rinse off sweat, dirt, and any cosmetics. This helps maintain a clean environment and opens your pores for better detoxification.

As for what to wear, it varies depending on the sauna's rules and cultural norms. In many public saunas, wearing a swimsuit or wrapping a towel around your body is standard practice. Some traditional saunas, particularly in Nordic countries, may encourage nude bathing. Whatever the dress code, always sit on a clean towel to prevent direct contact with the sauna benches. This helps maintain hygiene and protects you from potential burns from hot surfaces.

Entering and Exiting Properly

Proper sauna etiquette involves entering and exiting the sauna quickly and quietly. Saunas are designed to keep heat inside, so opening the door for extended periods can cause significant heat loss.

When you enter, choose a spot that provides enough personal space for all occupants. If the sauna is crowded, be considerate and make room for others. Remember, saunas are places for relaxation, so avoid loud noises or disruptive behavior. Keep conversations to a minimum and speak in low voices if necessary.

Respecting Others' Space and Comfort

Respecting personal space and privacy is essential in a sauna. Avoid staring at others or making prolonged eye contact, as this can make people uncomfortable. If possible, maintain a comfortable distance from other sauna-goers.

Be mindful of the space you occupy and don't sprawl out on the benches, especially if the sauna is busy. Remember that different people have varying preferences for sauna humidity and heat levels. It's generally a good idea to ask permission before increasing the heat or pouring water on the sauna stones.

Lastly, can phones go in saunas?

The answer is a resounding no. Leave your phone and other electronics outside to avoid damage and maintain a tranquil environment. By following these sauna etiquette rules, you'll contribute to a pleasant and relaxing experience for everyone.

Do's and Don'ts in the Sauna

Acceptable Behaviors

When using a sauna, it's crucial to follow proper sauna etiquette to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone. First, always shower before entering the sauna. This helps keep the space clean and opens your pores for better detoxification. Wear appropriate attire, such as a towel or swimsuit, depending on the sauna's rules. Always sit on a towel to maintain hygiene and protect yourself from hot surfaces.

Hydrate yourself before and after your sauna session to compensate for fluid loss through sweating. Keep your voice low and conversations to a minimum, respecting the tranquil environment. If you need to adjust the temperature or humidity, ask for consensus from other sauna-goers before making changes.

When entering or exiting the sauna, do so quickly and quietly to minimize heat loss. Choose a seat that provides enough personal space for all occupants. If the sauna is crowded, be considerate and make room for others.

Actions to Avoid

There are several behaviors to avoid in the sauna to maintain a respectful atmosphere. Don't bring electronic devices, especially phones, into the sauna. Can phones go in saunas? The answer is no. Leave your phone in a locker to avoid damage and maintain a peaceful environment.

Avoid wearing strong fragrances, such as cologne or perfume, as the heat intensifies smells and can be overwhelming for others. Don't exercise or engage in vigorous activities in the sauna, as this can be disruptive and uncomfortable for other users.

Refrain from grooming activities like shaving, tweezing, or brushing your hair in the sauna. Don't bring food or drinks into the sauna, as this can create mess and unpleasant odors. Avoid staying in the sauna for extended periods; generally, a session should last 10 to 20 minutes.

Lastly, don't splash water excessively on the sauna stones without consulting others, as this can make the heat unbearable for some. By following these sauna etiquette guidelines, you'll contribute to a pleasant and relaxing experience for everyone.

Sauna Etiquette Across Different Settings

Public Gym Saunas

When using a sauna at the gym, it's crucial to follow proper etiquette. When using the sauna after a workout, always shower before entering to rinse off sweat and dirt. Wear appropriate attire, such as a towel or swimsuit, as nudity is typically not allowed in public gym saunas.

Be mindful of others and make room for newcomers if the sauna gets crowded. Keep your sauna sessions brief, ideally around 10-15 minutes, to allow others to use the facility. Remember, can phones go in saunas? The answer is no. Leave your electronic devices in your locker to avoid damage and maintain a peaceful environment.

Spa Saunas

Spa saunas often have a more relaxed atmosphere compared to gym saunas. However, similar sauna etiquette rules apply. Shower before entering and learn the spa's clothing policies, as some may allow nudity while others require towels or robes.

Maintain a quiet environment to respect other spa-goers seeking relaxation. Avoid bringing electronics into the sauna and be aware of any scheduled appointments you may have. Take your time to enjoy the experience, but be considerate of others waiting to use the sauna.

Private Home Saunas

In a home sauna setting, you have more control over the rules, but it's still important to practice good sauna etiquette. Shower before entering to keep your sauna clean and hygienic.

Clean up after yourself, wiping down benches and removing any personal items. If you share your home sauna with family or roommates, establish a schedule to ensure everyone has fair access.

While clothing rules may be more relaxed at home, it's still advisable to sit on a towel to protect the benches. Remember to perform regular maintenance on your home sauna to keep it in good condition for years to come.


Proper sauna etiquette has a significant impact on creating a pleasant and relaxing experience for everyone involved. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a respectful environment that allows all sauna-goers to enjoy the health benefits and tranquility of the sauna.

Remember to shower before entering, wear appropriate attire, respect others' space, and keep conversations to a minimum. These simple practices go a long way in maintaining a peaceful atmosphere.

Whether you're using a public gym sauna, a spa sauna, or a private home sauna, the basic principles of sauna etiquette remain the same. By being mindful of these rules, you contribute to a positive sauna culture that everyone can appreciate. So next time you step into a sauna, keep these tips in mind to make the most of your experience while ensuring others can do the same. Happy sauna-ing!


What are the general rules for proper sauna etiquette?
When in a sauna, it's important to be considerate of others. Wear a towel or robe to prevent direct contact with the bench, and avoid entering with dirty gym clothes or shoes. It's also advisable not to bring any electronic devices into the sauna.

How should one behave inside a sauna?
To maintain a respectful and pleasant sauna experience, adhere to these guidelines: enter and exit the sauna quickly and quietly, respect the dress code, use a towel for sitting, and always ask for permission before pouring water on the hot stones or adjusting the temperature.

What should you do after using a sauna?
After exiting the sauna, it's recommended to drink two to four glasses of water. Individuals who are feeling unwell, pregnant women, or those with certain health conditions such as low blood pressure should consult their doctor before using a sauna.

Is it acceptable to talk while in a sauna?
While saunas are not completely silent zones, they are generally quiet to foster a relaxing atmosphere. Loud conversations and phone calls should be avoided to respect the tranquility of the space.

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