

What to Do After a Sauna Session: Essential Steps in a Post-Sauna Routine

What to Do After Sauna

Ever wondered what to do after a sauna session? It's not just about cooling down and heading home. The post-sauna routine is crucial for maximizing the benefits of your sweat session and ensuring your body recovers properly. From rehydration to skin care, there are several essential steps you should follow to make the most of your sauna experience.

You'll learn how to cool down gradually, replenish lost fluids and electrolytes, care for your skin, and promote recovery. We'll also cover what to avoid after using a sauna, what to eat and drink, and how long to wait before showering. By following these tips, you'll be able to enhance your sauna experience and reap its full health benefits.

Cool Down Gradually

After enjoying the warmth of a sauna session, it's crucial to cool down gradually to maximize the benefits and ensure your body recovers properly. This step is just as important as the time spent in the sauna itself. Let's explore the essential steps to cool down safely and effectively after using a sauna.

Step out of the sauna

When you're ready to end your sauna session, simply exit the sauna and find a cool place to sit for about 10-15 minutes. Don't rush to towel off immediately; instead, allow the air to naturally evaporate the moisture from your skin. This gradual cooling process helps your body transition smoothly from the intense heat to a normal temperature.

If you feel dizzy or unwell at any point, it's important to leave the sauna right away. Listen to your body and don't push yourself too hard. Remember, the goal is to relax and recover, not to stress your system.

Allow body temperature to normalize

As you cool down, your body works hard to regulate its temperature. This process is where you actually burn the most calories after a sauna session. It's essential to give your body enough time to readjust its temperature naturally.

Avoid putting your clothes on right away, as this can cause you to overheat and start sweating again. Instead, let your body cool down completely and stop perspiring before you dress and leave the sauna area.

For those who enjoy a more intense cool-down experience, you might consider following the Finnish tradition of jumping into a cold lake or pool. However, this method isn't suitable for everyone, especially if you're pregnant or have certain health conditions. Always prioritize safety and choose a cool-down method that works best for you.

Use a cold towel

One effective way to start cooling down is by using a cold towel. Many sauna facilities provide cold eucalyptus towels for this purpose. The icy cold sensation can be invigorating and help kickstart the cooling process.

If a cold towel isn't available, you can also consider taking a cool shower. Wait at least two minutes after leaving the sauna before stepping under the water. When showering, start from your feet and work your way up towards your trunk. Avoid directing the water to your head first to prevent any potential circulation issues.

For those who prefer a gentler approach, simply spending time outdoors can be an effective way to cool down. This method is particularly suitable if you're not fond of cold water or if it's contraindicated for your health condition.

Remember, the cooling down phase should last at least as long as the time you spent in the sauna. This allows your body to fully recover and helps maximize the benefits of your sauna experience. By following these steps and listening to your body, you'll ensure a safe and enjoyable post-sauna routine.

Related Read: How Long Should You Stay in a Sauna?

Rehydrate Your Body

After a sauna session, it's crucial to replenish the fluids and minerals lost through sweating. Proper hydration is key to maximizing the benefits of your sauna experience and ensuring your body recovers properly. Here's what you need to know about rehydrating after a sauna.

Drink water

The simplest and most effective way to rehydrate after a sauna is by drinking plain water. Aim to drink at least one full glass of water right after stepping out of the sauna and continue hydrating over the next few hours. Room temperature water is absorbed more quickly by the body than cold water, making it an ideal choice for quick rehydration.

To ensure you're drinking enough, try to consume about 1.5 times the amount of water you've lost while sweating in the sauna. This helps replace the fluids lost and supports essential bodily functions like cell strengthening, blood flow, and waste elimination.

Replenish electrolytes

While water is excellent for immediate rehydration, it's also important to replenish the electrolytes lost during your sauna session. Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium are crucial for maintaining fluid balance and regulating muscle and nerve activity.

To replenish these essential minerals, consider drinking electrolyte-infused water or sports drinks. These beverages can help restore balance without added sugars. You can also make your own electrolyte-rich drink at home using this simple recipe:

  • 3 cups of purified water
  • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed citrus juice
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon Himalayan salt

Mix these ingredients in a mason jar or your favorite to-go cup for a refreshing and replenishing post-sauna drink.

Try coconut water

Coconut water is an excellent natural choice for rehydration after a sauna. It's packed with essential nutrients and electrolytes, making it an ideal beverage to help you hydrate and restore your body's balance.

One of the main benefits of coconut water is its high potassium content. In fact, it contains more potassium than most sports drinks and even bananas. Potassium is vital for muscle function, cardiovascular health, and nerve function, making it crucial for post-sauna recovery.

Coconut water is also low in calories and has less sugar compared to many sports drinks, making it a healthier alternative for those watching their calorie intake. Its natural composition allows for more effective hydration than water alone, as the presence of natural sugars and salts improves water absorption and retention.

Remember, while coconut water is beneficial, it should be consumed in moderation. One to two servings after a sauna session are usually sufficient to hydrate without overconsumption of potassium.

By following these rehydration tips, you'll ensure that your body recovers properly after a sauna session, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of this relaxing and detoxifying experience.

Cleanse and Care for Your Skin

After a rejuvenating sauna session, it's crucial to give your skin some extra attention. Proper cleansing and care will help maintain the benefits of your sauna experience and keep your skin healthy and glowing. Let's explore the essential steps to cleanse and care for your skin after a sauna.

Take a refreshing shower

Stepping out of the sauna's warmth calls for a refreshing shower. This step is vital for cooling your body down and promoting skin health. A shower after the sauna works wonders, flushing away sweat and impurities that accumulate during your session.

For an invigorating experience, try a cool rinse. This can boost your immune system, help with detoxification, and improve blood circulation. If you prefer a gentler approach, opt for a warm or lukewarm shower. This helps to gradually lower your body temperature while still removing toxins and impurities from the skin.

When showering, start with tepid water and slowly increase the temperature until it feels comfortably warm. Use a gentle exfoliant with an oil base to prevent your skin from drying out. Gently rub the exfoliant over your body in circular motions, then rinse thoroughly.

Apply moisturizer

After showering, it's time to lock in moisture and protect your skin. While your skin is still slightly damp, apply a quality moisturizer. Focus on delicate areas like your face, neck, and décolletage. Choose a product with a gentle formula that's rich in hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, or natural oils. Look for added antioxidants like vitamins E and C for extra skin benefits.

If you have particularly dry skin or feel you need additional care, consider applying a second layer of moisture after the initial moisturizer has been fully absorbed. For long-lasting hydration, use a richer cream or hydrating oil.

When applying products, remember to pat them gently onto your skin rather than rubbing. The sauna's heat can make your skin more sensitive, and rubbing might cause irritation.

If you plan to go outdoors after your sauna session or you're using an outdoor sauna, don't forget to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen. This will shield your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays, which is especially important after a sauna when your skin might be more sensitive.

Pat dry gently

After showering, it's crucial to dry your skin properly. Instead of rubbing vigorously with your towel, pat your skin dry gently. This method is less likely to irritate your skin, which may be more sensitive after the sauna's heat.

Make sure you have a fresh, clean towel waiting for you when you exit the shower. Using a clean towel helps prevent the transfer of bacteria back onto your freshly cleansed skin.

Remember, the goal of your post-sauna skin care routine is to cleanse, soothe, and protect. By following these steps, you'll help your skin recover from the intense heat and sweating of the sauna session, leaving it clean, moisturized, and ready to face the day. This routine not only feels refreshing but also helps maximize the skin benefits of your sauna experience.

Relax and Recover

After your sauna session, it's crucial to give your body time to relax and recover. This phase is just as important as the sauna experience itself, allowing your body to reap the full benefits of the heat therapy. Here's how you can make the most of your post-sauna recovery:

Rest in a cool area

Once you've completed your sauna session, find a cool, comfortable spot to rest. This could be a designated relaxation room in the sauna facility or a quiet area outdoors. The goal is to allow your body temperature to gradually return to normal. Many sauna facilities provide relaxation rooms with comfortable couches, sometimes with blankets, for this purpose.

Take at least 20 minutes to rest after your sauna session. This cool-down period is when your body burns the most calories as it works to regulate its temperature. Use this time to let your mind wander, read a book, or simply enjoy a few moments of peaceful daydreaming. This rest period is crucial for your body to adjust and for you to fully appreciate the relaxation benefits of your sauna experience.

Practice deep breathing

While you're cooling down, it's an excellent opportunity to practice some deep breathing exercises. Deep breathing can enhance the relaxation effects of your sauna session and help calm your mind. Here's a simple technique you can try:

  1. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath through your nose.
  2. Hold it for a few seconds.
  3. Exhale slowly through your mouth.
  4. Repeat this process for a few minutes.

This mindful breathing can help reduce stress and anxiety, making your post-sauna experience even more relaxing. It can also help improve your heart rate and signal your body to relax further.

Avoid strenuous activities

After your sauna session, it's important to avoid any strenuous activities. Your body has just undergone a period of intense heat exposure and needs time to recover. Engaging in vigorous exercise or demanding tasks immediately after a sauna can put unnecessary stress on your body and negate some of the relaxation benefits you've gained.

Instead, focus on gentle, relaxing activities. If you've used the sauna in the evening, you might find that you enjoy a particularly restful night's sleep. Try to maintain the feeling of relaxation and tranquility that the sauna has provided for as long as possible.

Remember, the post-sauna period is all about allowing your body to cool down naturally and transition back to its normal state. By following these steps - resting in a cool area, practicing deep breathing, and avoiding strenuous activities - you'll maximize the benefits of your sauna session and ensure a proper recovery. This approach will help you feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to face whatever comes next in your day.


The post-sauna routine plays a key role in maximizing the benefits of your sauna experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure proper cooling, hydration, skin care, and recovery. This comprehensive approach has a significant impact on your overall well-being, helping you to feel refreshed and rejuvenated after each session.

Remember, the post-sauna period is just as crucial as the time spent in the sauna itself. Taking the time to cool down gradually, replenish fluids, care for your skin, and relax allows your body to reap the full rewards of heat therapy. So next time you step out of the sauna, keep these tips in mind to enhance your experience and boost your health.


What should you do immediately after using a sauna?
After leaving the sauna, it's beneficial to rinse off with cold water. This helps wash away toxins released through sweating and can also help close your pores, preventing them from being clogged by contaminants.

What should you avoid doing after a sauna session?
It's advisable not to use shower gel or soap right after your sauna session. Instead, applying some lotion is recommended to maintain the cleanliness and rejuvenation achieved from the sauna.

What are the recommended steps to take after exiting a sauna?
Many people prefer to take a shower right after their sauna session as it makes them feel clean, refreshed, and energized. However, you should avoid using shower gel immediately after; just rinsing off is sufficient since your body is already clean from the sauna experience.

Is it necessary to cool down naturally after a sauna?
Yes, after each sauna session, it's recommended to lie down for about ten minutes to relax and allow your blood pressure to stabilize. The cooling down period should last at least as long as the warming up period to ensure your body adjusts safely.

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